O'Neill Electric             P.O. Box 9672            Anaheim, CA  92812    
Phone (714)319-2771               Mail@oneillelectric.com
O'Neill Electric saved me over
$2,000.00.  We had a major
electrical problem.  Breakers keep
tripping and our AC system would not
work. After getting two Quotes of
$2,650 and $3,000 from other
contractors, who told us we had to
upgrade our service, I called O'Neill
John O'Neill came out to give us an
estimate and discovered that it
wasn't our service that was the
problem, but some wires that were
shorting out underground.  He was
able to fix the problem on the spot,
and the total cost was $ 275.00.
It's nice to know there is still at
least one honest contractor out there!
Shame on those other "Full page Add"
I will recommend O'Neill Electric to
everyone I meet!!!

Sandra Wood
Honest Excellent Outstanding Professional service: I called multiple electrician contractors to bid on
upgrading my home service from a 70 AMP to a 200 AMP service. Out of approximately 10 contractors
only three kept their appointments...some said they were coming between such and such time yet they
never showed and wont call either. Communications? If they wont communicate before the job what
makes you think they will communicate during the job?

John was very professional and gave an honest opinion about the work that needed to be done. John
worked with Anaheim power to make sure all was in order by pulling the permits and getting a final
approval when all was done.

Part of the job was to relocate the service to initially a center tapped feed...since I was trying to build a
pool I didn’t want the power lines to run right on top of it...even if they were higher with a riser pole on
the house.

It worked out were the City of Anaheim’s fee to reconnect me on a center tapped feed came out to be
somewhere around $1800 (Instead of wires going to the power pole its going to mid span). Since I am
initiating the request, I didn’t think it was worth it just to move wires from one corner to the other and
pay the fee. The city suggested going underground which was a far better idea since I wont see any more
power lines. The best part was the city waived the connection fee. So...instead of me paying $1800 to
the city I just paid that amount to John for his crews labor to trench to the power pole so they can put
my power feed underground.

Since we were very pleased with quality of Johns work we had some other work done as well that we
were procrastinating on, like splitting the load on some of the kitchen outlets since my wife likes to run
a coffee maker, toaster, microwave and two refrigerators on one circuit...which keeps popping the
circuit breaker....and then I have to go and reset the breaker.

Some of the electricians who came to the house did not have the people and communications skills to
interface with non technical people. John bridged this gap well with no problems. He was clean, tactful
and above all professional ...and you would expect to pay more. Yet Johns prices were fair and because of
his professional and honest advice, he saved me money and added value to my property. Now that’s a good
deal. I highly recommend his work to anyone looking for a quality job done by honest people using quality

John went out of his way and came to my house on a Sunday after church...so that he could see the job
site and leave a bid. That was impressive. Like I said he communicated well...and constantly with us on
the progress of the job. Even after the City gave final approval and I had paid John completely. He still
even came back to make sure all was well when the city workers cut over my power from the old meter
to the new meter. No that’s customer service. One thing, which was a plus, was he did not ask for any
money up front. I just paid him when the work was done.

I highly recommend him for any electrical work.

Peter    Anaheim CA